Magnate CARES was proud to partner with All About Motivation & Education (AAME) along with Pinnacle Health and Fitness and Van Cleef Engineering Associates, LLC to equip Haitian schools with computers. We moved 51 laptops, 125 desktop computers, and 15 boxes cables and wires. The target date to open the computer centers is December 2022.
Gary Diogene, a member of the Rotary Club of Hillsborough, is president and CEO of AAME – All About Motivation & Education. Founded in 2016, the non-profit organization works to cover the cost of school tuition for underprivileged children in Haiti and supply food and personal care items to help Haitian families cope with the hard times they encounter on a daily basis.
Diogene found help close at hand; fellow Rotarian Abed Medawar, an executive with Magnate Worldwide, an international shipping and logistics company, heads Magnate’s community outreach initiative. He made a few phone calls and in short order, arranged to have 175 excess laptop and desktop computers shipped to Diogene.